1. Get powershell history:

notepad (Get-PSReadlineOption).HistorySavePath

2. Work with APPX packages:

# Get list of packages
Get-AppxPackage | Select Name, PackageFullNamer
# Add package from file
Add-AppxPackage -Path "path_to_the_file.msix"
# Remove package
Get-AppxPackage *PACKAGE_NAME* | Remove-AppxPackage

3. Get available parameters for the powershell command:

(Get-Command COMMAND_NAME).Parameters

4. Work with Powershell modules:

# Get modules list
Get-Module -ListAvailable
# Save module to another place (PATH_TO_NEW_MODULES_FOLDER)
Save-Module -Name Module_name -Path PATH_TO_NEW_MODULES_FOLDER -Repository PSGallery

5. Work with Powershell profile:

# Create profile if it not exist
if ((Test-Path $profile) -eq $false) {
  New-Item -path $profile -type file force
# Edit profile
notepad $profile

6. Add custom path for modules in Powershell $profile:

$env:PSModulePath = ((@("PATH_TO_NEW_MODULES_FOLDER") + ($env:PSModulePath -split ";")) -join ";")

That’s all.

  1. Dan Tsekhanskiy - My PowerShell Profile
  2. mikemaccana/powershell-profile
  3. how-to geek - Customizing your PowerShell Profile